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发表于2017/5/2 网站制作教程 0条评论 ⁄ 热度 2,739℃

utf-8页面,接收gbk参数, 或者 gbk 页面接收 utf-8 参数,或者...



<script language="jscript" runat="Server">
function decodeURL(str, cSet) {
with (Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")) {
Type=2; Charset="iso-8859-1"; Open(); WriteText(unescape(str.replace(/\+/g, "%20")));
Position=0; Charset=cSet; str=ReadText(-1); Close();
return str;
function getParameter(paramName, encodingForDecode, dictionary) {
var values = [];
dictionary.Item.replace(new RegExp("(?:^|&)" + paramName + "=([^&]*)", "gi"), function($, $1) {
values.push(decodeURL($1, encodingForDecode));
return values;
<%=getParameter("gbkParam", "GBK", Request.QueryString)%><br />
<%=getParameter("utfParam", "UTF-8", Request.QueryString)%><br />

VBScript 实现


  Class StringList
  Private dict, strName, i
 Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  i = 0
  End Sub
  Public Property Get Count()
  Count = i
  End Property
  Public Property Let Name(newValue)
  strName = newValue
  End Property
  Public Property Get Name()
  Name = strName
  End Property
  Public Sub Add(strValue)
  i = i + 1
  dict.Add i, strValue
  End Sub
  Public Default Property Get ToString()
  ToString = Me.Item(Empty)
  End Property
  Public Property Get Item(index)
  If Not IsEmpty(index) And IsNumeric(index) Then
  If index<1 Then Err.Raise -1, "StringList.Item", "下标越界"
  If index>i Then Err.Raise -1, "StringList.Item", "下标越界"
  Item = dict.Item(index)
  ElseIf i>0 Then
  Item = Join(dict.Items(), ", ")
  End If
  End Property
  End Class
Function decodeURIComponent(str, cSet)
  With Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
  .Type = 2
  .Charset = "iso-8859-1"
  .WriteText UnEscape(Replace(str, "+", "%20"))
  .Position = 0
  .Charset = cSet
  decodeURIComponent = .ReadText(-1)
  End With
  End Function
Function getParameter(name, cSet, dictionary)
  Dim match : Set getParameter = New StringList : getParameter.Name = name
  With New RegExp
  .Pattern = "(?:^|&)" & Server.URLEncode(name) & "=([^&]*)"
  .Global = True
  For Each match In .Execute(dictionary)
  getParameter.Add decodeURIComponent(match.Submatches.Item(0), cSet)
  End with
  End Function

  <%=getParameter("gbkParam", "GBK", Request.QueryString)%><br />
  <%=getParameter("utfParam", "UTF-8", Request.QueryString)%><br />
  <%=getParameter("utfParam", "UTF-8", Request.QueryString).Count%><br />
  <%=getParameter("utfParam", "UTF-8", Request.QueryString).Item(1)%><br />
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